• Las Vegas

    "Anyway, we didn't return to Beacon Hills for that."

    Derek's love stories were disasters but the three friends didn't come to him to be his baby sitter and/or wing men. They did ask to crash at his loft but they didn't count on staying long, the town wasn't their destination, just a step.

    "We should go on road trip," Scott stated.

    Derek arched a brow. What did it have to do with him?

    "Now that I have the Argent Beastiary, the one I asked Kate and the one we retrieved from Gerard, we noticed there are tons of creature we didn't know. Like, sure, werewolf are the main were but it would be interesting to know about the others too, right? We asked alpha Satomi and she told us she know a Kitsune back in WWII."

    Allison didn't comment about how old her alpha must be now.

    "And what does it have to do with me?" Derek still didn't get it.

    "Don't be a grumpy cat and come with us," Theo hushed him.

    "So, you want to take me on road trip in hope to find the Kitsune Satomi knew for, what, seventy years ago?"

    "What Scott and Theo didn't say was that, we have a vague idea where the fox could be now and we'd like you to tag along so you could used some break."

    "And you didn't think about asking me to tag along?" Lydia chimed up.

    "Oh, we didn't know you wanted to come too."

    "Of course, I want! Like, the past year I witnessed some wild murder becauce of some psychopath, got activated my banshee ability because of the said psychopath and discovered that actually a lot of the residents here knew about the supernatural. I think I deserved a break too!"

    Because not only the vetenarian Dr Alan Deaton was a Druid, his sister miss Marin Morell, Eichen House and Meredith Walker's councelor, was also a druid, and she was emissary of Deucalion's alpha pack. And of course, there was miss Blake, a darach.

    And last but not least, Meredith told her that Peter Hale was planning a deadpool when he was comatose due to the Hale Fire and made Meredith the benefector by using the Hale family's vault, so all the supernatural would be erased from Beacon Hills. Thanks god the mad man was now dead and his insane project with.

    "Well, now, you got your fourth member, you don't need me, right?"

    "But we do need you! You can't let four underages go in road trip without supervision, now, could you?"

    There was also the fact he owned them his life and they could pretend to be a pack having him as alpha.

    "There's something else."

    "We need you... and your money."

    Like, they did save some while working after school, but part-time job didn't pay much and Scott and Theo only got the pay of two months, as they just turned sixteen (Scott could definitely not bother to ask his father who's working hard to provide them both and Theo 's mysterious about his family state). And they couldn't really go with Theo's truck, right?

    "You inherit like all the Hale's fund, right? It must be something."

    "117 millions," Derek said with a flat voice.

    The teenagers almost lose their jaw for opening it too widely.

    "You won't even lose a quarter of that amount in this road trip," Theo snorted.

    "Not so sure," Lydia mumbled thinking about what she could do with all that money.

    "Yeah, and you want to tell me where you got all your money to pay your furniture?" Derek answered the Chimera.

    Who got silence, of course. So secretive about his background.

    "I think it could be a good idea. You need this trip as much as they do, take a break from this town," Jennifer advised him. "We could even go to New York and visit your last residence. Well, if you want me in this trip that is."

    "Of course, we could use this time to know more about each other."

    "Sweet!" Allison clapped her hands "I'm going to propose Lori and Brett too!"

    "... I felt like being played."

    Scott smiled at him apologetically.

    "Yeah, but we need to rent a van that could fit us all."

    They would be six teenagers and two young adults, after all.


    "Well, I'd like to take part in this but I can't ditch my lacrosse practice," Brett told them after his packmate Allison proposed him and his sister. 

    "It's summer," Theo reminded him.

    "It's a serious business," Lydia and Scott chimed.

    Theo rolled his eyes because lacrosse was seriously the last of his problem.

    "And I want to join in too but I had to take care of those babies because Theo won't do his work!" Lori started shouting at the end of her excuse. 

    The Chimera shot up at this and is reminded of the five coyotes who were his.

    "Oh, right! The werecoyote!"

    "Yes, the mother of your offsprings!" Lori snarled back.

    "Why are you so rude? You like those coyotes! You can keep them!"

    "They are too much, in case it wasn't obvious for you."

    "Well, I have to take care of their mother, it's handful enough!"

    "Oh yeah? And where is she?"

    They all looked for the werecoyote who must be somewhere in the loft.

    "This one?"

    "Why are you still here?" Jennifer groaned at Deucalion's entrance.

    "Bringing you back the werecoyote, of course," the (former blind) alpha snarked back.

    Theo went to retrieve his mate but then Deucalion glowered his red eyes and roared.

    "What are you doing?" They all complained.

    None of the werewolf here want to do anything with his alpha roar not being his pack. That he slaughtered the first time. Theo was the only not affected but someone else did suffer from the roar.

    "You changed the werecoyote back to her human form!"

    "And what a naked human," Lydia commented.

    As some of them would know, to full shift one must be naked. So it was only logical for the full shift werecoyote to change back on a naked girl. Having some affair with her (in creature form, of course), Theo felt the responsability to give her some changes.

    "OK, you have to put some clothes and we're going to take back where we were."


    "Still about your job to take care of the offsprings," Allison reminded him when he came back from his room, letting the girl take a shower since... some time.

    "I still have the mother to keep an eye on."

    "So, she's in the trip," Lydia settled it up.

    "And me, of course."

    Everyone shot an incredulous look to the alpha. The one that murder his whole pack.

    "I beg you pardon?" The darach who wanted to murder him sputtered.

    "Well, you wouldn't want me to go on killing spree again, right?"

    "You said you won't do it once you eyes healed," Scott reminded him.

    "Right, but I got some PTSD and need assitance to get pass this story. You can't leave a man alone after that, right? Besides, Derek, we do have some deal."

    "I know, my mother was trusting your visionnary plan and she must be really disappointed how you turned out. Maybe this trip would also help you."

    Derek soothed his girlfriend, still shocked he invited the old alpha, while Lydia turned on the main problem back.

    "Still need a van that could allow eight people, as we no longer have a coyote but a werecoyote in her human form."

    "And enough cash to drive to New York, where the Yukimura live now, as alpha Satomi said," Allison said after a while.

    "Why couldn't you just buy a flight to New York?"

    "What would be the point of road trip if we just take a plane to New York?"

    "And what about the coyotes."

    "Well, Lori, since you like them so much, I'll give you the honor to be the guardians."

    "You just want to gt rid off."

    "And I'm not the only one."

    The girl joined them with a scowl, not happy to be human again and she pouted at her offsprings.

    "That was a mistake."

    Theo frowned, looking pained by her comment.

    "Why? Was he so bad at getting laid?"

    "I don't know, but the outcome's bad."

    Her blunt honesty was sharper than any knife.

    "See, you're the official guardian, now."

    Lori deadpanned at that and Brett thought about giving two to the twins, now they're training to be Satomi's beta.

    "Maybe we could rent a van and go in two days, so everyone could be ready."

    "We are ready," the teens said in one voice.

    "Derek's not," Jennifer recalled them because Derek was actually their guardian for the trip.

    "Me neither," Lydia said.

    The others teens huffed in concession while Deucalion smiled ironically. 

    "Well, I'm not OK to be turned human again," the coyote girl huffed.

    "You know who to blame," Theo told her, as a supportive coyote mate.

    Deucalion sighed to have a teenager growling at him. It's like having a pack again.


    Two days later, the minibus was rented for two weeks. Derek withdrawn some cash, the car boot was filled with Lydia's things (because she stayed fashion even in road trip, thank you) while the others just had some changes and Malia (the coyote girl) would borrow some from the girls.

    "Since there is only one way to New York, our first stop would be Las Vegas and we're going use the stop to earn more money in those famous casino," Deucalion said once Derek started the car.

    Derek shot him a glare in inner rear mirror.

    "You couldn't have say that earlier?"

    "We need money to bet so we could win, dear."

    "Do you even know how to play?" Allison spoke up.

    "No, but as a werewolf it would be easy to know who's lying."

    Lydia scoffed.

    "And as you underages can't bet, one of the adults have to play the baby sitter."

    "We're not babies," Malia growled.

    "Of course, dear. You did give birth."

    Theo made a show to appear annoyed by sighing loudly, but thing's he knew they never let him forget it.

    "Well, since Derek and me are the only adults werewolf, we go."

    "Of course, I'm surprised I didn't expect it."

    Jennifer rolled her eyes in the front passenger seat and Derek took her hand in his. They had to bear this situation for a moment as Deucalion seemed to know what to do. For now.

    The drive to Las Vegas took four hours and the passengers spent it on their own. Scott and Allison were whispering sweetly to each other, sometimes Lydia would say something and show them something on her phone. Malia and Theo were trying to communicate with each side not making a real effort, but they did agree to put distance with Deucalion.

    "Finally some air!"

    Malia rushed out of the van to breath new air but definitly not natural as polluted by industry and society.

    "OK, before we split, everyone make sure to have everyone's contact if you ever happen to be lost and remember, from now on all of you call me Julia and only Derek could call me Jen."

    "Still don't see the point, but OK."

    So the group splitted and Julia had to keep an eye on the teenagers. Since they don't have much money (as only Derek got the fond and Deucalion was so smart to use it to bet, they got nothing), they could just wander aimlessly while waiting for the cash to come (in silver plate, like litteraly). The teens did try to bribe Julia to do some magic like alchemy so they could pay some good food, but nope, other than sacrifices, the darach wasn't willing to bend the law of magic (BS). Besides, she quited the sacrifice ritual too as she already complete the five steps. And one of the step was about killing (sacrifice) philosophs and gaining strategy and knowledge, so she could totally give them lesson about some class they had difficulty.

    Scott did use it for his english and history class, and bingo, Jennifer Blake did apply as substitute english teacher (and thanks to the philosophes, she also got history knowledge). Allison and Lydia also listened to the improvised lesson with interest. Theo, however, watched them blankly from afar before telling Malia he would go round the city. No way to lose such occasion to visit the casino place, even if he isn't allowed to bet.

    He was just so confy with his friends that he may have forgotten what his backstory was.

    By the end of the day, Derek and Deucalion won so much they got check even though they insisted to have it on cash (they'd look like mafia if they walk with case in hands). Derek had to encase it and still withdraw money in cash from the bank. They chose to stay for the night to rest some before going on the road again. When they checked in to the fancy hotel (because driving four hours then having to spend the afternoon betting was tiresome and Derek deserve fancy thing, OK?), Theo wasn't in sight.

    "Malia? Know something?"

    The werecoyte shrugged but mentioned the guy was taking a walk last she remembered.

    "He said he had something to do and already had somewhere to stay the night," Scott said while reading the text his friend send him.

    "Already playing solo?" Deucalion snorted before leaving them to his room.

    "Tell him to meet us here tomorrow at ten o'clock."

    Then, Derek and Jen went to their room, one bed but for couple. Scott complied but mumbled about the point of exchanging number if no one was going to text the others. Lydia and Malia head to their room, two beds, while Allison lead him to their own room, two beds. They only booked four rooms and if Theo was there, he would have shared it with Deucalion, maybe he did well not staying the night with them.

    But at ten pm, Theo told them he's going to stay in the city, while they keep on their road trip.

    "What are you saying?"

    "I forgot something in California, I won't be able to carry on the trip."

    "I'm not driving you back," Derek said flatly.

    Theo snorted. "I did not ask you to. I will go on my own, you guys just go and enjoy."

    "But, Theo..." Scott said, not getting it.

    "Seriously, and you better go now and not delay the trip. I'll see you back in California."

    He let them on the place and disappeared.

    Till lunch.

    "We can't let him here," Scott stuttered, numb.

    "We can't?" Lydia asked.

    Because she really wasn't so sure.

    "Well, no...! I mean-"

    "You don't have any responsability on him, you know?"

    "He's my friend!"

    "And he said he had something to do in California, where we come from. His tutors just discovered what he was up to and disagreed on this trip, that's it."

    "But we don't know who are his tutors," Allison pointed out.

    "So? He's probably orphan."

    "Or emencipated."

    "With a lot of income if you saw his truck and his outfits," Lydia commented.

    Just like that, they realized they actually knew nothing about the guy that participated the trip with them. Like, they knew about Malia's dead mom and sister that she accidentally killed at eight years old and a father she didn't remember the name. Deucalion killed off his pack and only the twins and the emissary druid remained of his alpha pack and Jen (Julia) was emissary of Kali's pack that she killed with some human sacrifices. Derek, well, his uncle killed his big sister, so he killed the uncle and the rest of the family died in fire, leaving him the only survivor. Allison's forced orphan (disowned because of her lycanthropia) and Lydia and Scott are raised in a mono-parental family. Theo... nothing. Just he's a Chimera who could full shift.

    "Does it matter?" Malia said.

    "Well, yes!"

    "I mean for his withdrawal. It's not like he was forced."

    "Actually, he is! Whether it's his tutors or not! He was perfectly fine for all the time he spend with us without anything that makes him to retire. And after one afternoon in Las Vegas, he had to go home?"

    "That smells pression."

    "Or blackmail," Derek muttered quietly.

    "Speaking of scent, don't you weres smell anything?" Lydia pointed it out.

    "There are a lot of scent here," Allison pretended.

    Lydia shot her an unimpressed look.

    "He smelled off earlier. Like some chemical that I couldn't replace," Malia noted.

    "Yeah, well, you did live in the woods for seven years."

    Theo did also mentioned being turned for seven years now Scott thought about it.

    "He wasn't lying, I didn't catch missed heartbeat."

    "He's probably good at even his heartbeats."

    "We had to help him, what if he's being forced?"

    "Oh, do we, now?" Derek grumbled.

    "Of course, that's what a team do! Got each other's back."

    "Are we?" Deucalion chuckled darkly.

    "Well, we're certainly not a pack," Jen shot back.

    Besides, there were two alphas. An omega werecoyote, and two humans with one beta of another pack, an atypical team without adding the runaway chimera.

    "Fine, not like you will continue the trip without being satisfied, right? And I certainly won't drive back to Beacon Hills for nothing."

    "Oh, I could drive."

    "Well, we could also leave you here instead of Theo."


    They decide to track and find Theo. Since his departure was around brunch, they already lost three hours. Malia inspected the perimeter where he vanished and since her scent seemed to be greater than even the old Deucalion, she lead the way to North Las Vegas city.

    "This is certainly not California."

    "His scent is more marked here. It's like he's everywhere."

    "How is that possible? He probably got there yesterday, did he go rampage the whole night or what?"

    "Let's just ask him."

    Once they find him.

    They did not find him until it was nightfall. Where havoc happened, like a wild creature running in the street. So wild they didn't stop when Derek roared in warning. The undeterminated creature leap on them. The two humans having no super agility couldn't avoid it, but thanks god Julia was there and raised a barrier (of montain ashes) against the creature, who totally passed it.

    "Oh, my god, what?"

    "Chimera!" Scott got it quickly and hop to the side with Lydia in arms.

    He wasn't quick enough and got scratched on the side. Malia attacked the creature so they let him go and she knocked them off. But Scott suffered from the claws and was whimpering unable to move.

    "I can't move!"

    "Stop playing the knight in shining armor while your just human!"

    "You're human too!"

    "I can defend myself with my scream!"

    "Why didn't you do it?"

    "I was surprised!"

    "OK, you two shut up! Scott, your wound wasn't that deep but there are clearly Kanima's venom."

    "What's that?"

    "A sort of lizard that are very murderous," Deucalion said. "They're actually bitten werewolf that didn't accept the alpha's bite and turned into a mindless creature that can be controlled."

    "Well, glad I accepted the bite," Allison muttered. "Can't we heal it?"

    "Of course," Julia agreed and used her magic to heal the scratch. "but I don't know about the venom, as human's body doesn't have accelerate healing."

    It seemed that the sacrifice did boost the darach's magic as Scott could move again, even if his body was still numb.

    "But it doesn't look like a lizard," Derek called them up beside Malia, still tackling the creature.

    "I said it's a kind of," Deucalion answered him while approaching.

    "Yeah, I know what's a kanima. And this is definitly not one."

    The old alpha got close enough to take a look. "Right, a chimera, isn't it?"

    "Yeah, well, Theo did said they're immune against the natural protection," Scott told them.

    "That cheating," his girlfriend mumbled while helping him walk to the group.

    "Ever think about filling us about?" Julia deadpanned.

    "Right. So what Theo told to Satomi's pack was that Chimeras are like super human and creature combined because they got enhanced but don't have weakness like you supernatural got. And he was part werewolf and part werecoyote."

    "So, that's why I felt some connection between us," Malia stated.

    And why the Talbot siblings asked him for help rather than an alpha, like Deucalion did.

    "So, that thing is a combination of a kanima and... something?"

    "This person seemed to be a mix between a kanima and a wendigo," Julia corrected Malia. "They were human before being turned."

    "And probably forced," Deucalion noted.

    "This is a possibility."

    No one commented on the fact the two Nemesis agreed on something and got something like a cordial exchange. Change is possible! And Theo would have said something sarcastic, but they're exactly here because the guy's absent!

    "Maybe we should take them somewhere?" Scott suggested.

    "Like where? We didn't book a hotel as we thought we wouldn't stay long," Lydia sneered.

    "Clearly, it's going to take some time." Deucalion shook his head exasperatedly and turned to Derek to make plan with him. "Let's find a motel and stay for the night. Theo doesn't seem to make an appearance and we got a chimera in hands."

    "Yeah, better be safe than go in blind. No pun intended."

    "Not taken. Here, you stay with the group, I'll go find us a cheap and lowkey motel, let's not attracted attention."

    "Maybe it's better if you go with someone."

    "Look, I don't want to rub in but the man survived on his own while blind for five years, he'll manage," Jen called his boyfriend up.

    "Yeah, OK, but what do I do? Still holding it?"

    "Them," Julia automaticly corrected. "Yeah, keep steadying them."


    Deucalion chuckled at the coyote's huff and went to find them some place to stay.


    They thought they'll deal with it in the morning but Beacon Hills wasn't the only dangerous town as they're attacked in the middle of the night in a public place full of human!

    But the assailants barely glanced at the were and just target the chimera in their sleep. The person in black outfit that seemed out of the steampunk era and completed with the helmet-mask stabbed the chimera in the chest to the group's shock.

    "Dear... why did you do that?" Julia had to question.

    Because if she sacrificed humans, she got an aim at this time. Now she's on the neutral side of druids and found it quite horrific.

    "His condition was terminal."

    "Well, if you killed them, of course it would be terminal," Deucalion snarked.

    "It's a failure."

    "So it explained the murder?" Derek prompted.

    "He was going to die anyway."

    "Then, let them do it in peace!"

    No answer and the murder disappeared into the night.

    "That was inadmissible! And now we got a corpse in our hands! So much to help them. I should have heal them back then," Julia mumbled irritated.

    "What do we do with the corpse?"

    "What could we do? Bury it."

    Thanks god the teens were sleeping in the other room and unaware of the commotion.

    "Maybe we could see what their family want to do?" Derek proposed, because an human got a life before his death, right?

    "Fine, I'll see what I can do, but no one touch him, in case the police could find our DNA."

    "We'll be out of the city by then," Deucalion huffed but thought about taking off the thing that was once a jacket where some of them had to touch as they were dragging the chimera.

    Later, as the dawn came, the teens were aghast to learn the chimera's death.

    "Well, so that's mean one thing," Lydia said once hearing the fill. "That person was the one creating chimera, so he had something to do with Theo."

    "...Damn, his kill disturbed me so much I didn't think about that."

    "And since he was willing to kill a... failure? He's certainly blackmailing Theo, who must be a success as he's still alive after seven years being turned. We had to track them."

    What a great thinking, who would think it about Malia as the girl had a blunt honesty and social ineptitude. Probably because her coyote mate was concerned.

    "Thank to their abnormal scent that one could just not forget. Let's part, Malia you come with me. The kids stayed with Jen, dealing about the corpse and..."

    "We'll meet up for lunch, we need to be in form for this," old Deucalion finished, agreeing to the plan.

    "And could you guys please use your phone so we did not exchange number for nothing!" Scott reminded them.

    "Good point."

    Except, it was the chimera that found Julia's group while the two others group didn't send news. It was another wendigo mixed with something as horrifying as they jumped to the group with sharp fangs out. Lydia screamed and she may have put more force in it as force field appeared before her and her friend. This time, Julia changed tactics about the protection and used the banshee's telekinesis ability to reinforce the magical barrier and blocked the chimera inside.

    "Oh my... it's mixed with a Berserker."

    "And here we wanted to know more about supernatural creatures with this road trip, they were the one who come to us," Allison commented dryly.

    "Well, the bright side is they aren't really targetting us. This one seemed more interested about his fellow chimera. To tighten their link or to eat his corpse isn't determinated," Julia told her with a voice that's losing reassurance.

    "Thanks for you failed pep talk, Julia," Lydia spoke up.

    "Then, what do we do? Use him as bait?"

    "Got something better? Because we're still traped in this motel room with a corpse and a future one, that we're using as bait, yes."

    Thanks for you honesty, Julia. Not that reassuring but you're doing your best, don't you?

    "We should call Derek or Deucalion to at least fill them the development."

    Except there was still no news from them.

    "I'm hungry."

    "Well, I can't appear foods as magic didn't work that way. So one of you had to go out and buy something."

    "Surely, Scott could do it. Since we don't know when they will come and that you don't really have super protection. No offence."

    But Lydia's dismissive tone clearly let it think it was offensive. And Scott got it, after all, it's true, he's the only human without power here, so he nodded and got up. Allison send him a weak smile.

    "I'm sure they won't show up till tonight."

    "Oh, me too, since they did attack the first arount that time. But I certainly won't go out in this state."

    Allison's glare could kill but even the gold in her wolf out eyes didn't waver Lydia who smirked haughtily. Julia just shook her head at the girls' antics.


    Scott got to the closest waffle house he found, it was a bit far and still busy at this hour. He waited in the line but got distracted when he recognized a face.

    "Theo!" He called him from the line.

    As his friend just stared unmovingly at him, he had to give up his place and walked to the missing chimera.

    "Why are you here?"

    "Why are you here? This is not California, not even close! But we suspected something's wrong and we were worried about you being blackmailed so we followed you here. And then..."

    His babbling was cut out by the frantic chimera. Rude.

    "You can't stay here. I can't believe you're all here. I told you to leave and keeping on this stupid road trip!"

    "Eh, you were parted of this stupid idea!"

    "And I regretted it, OK? You had to leave this city."

    "Can't do that, because, guess what? We're already in the case."

    Theo's scared face made Scott worry.

    "What do yo mean?" He whispered furiously.

    So Scott lowered his voice too. "Well, we got two chimeras with us and using one to bait the individual dressed in steampunk style."

    "You met one?"

    "One? Because... there are several?"

    "You...have no idea, don't you? Why would you want be involved?"

    "It attacked us first! One even paralyze me!" The human defended himself. "But, you seemed to be pretty free if they're blackmailing you. What they make you do?"

    "Scott, you... this is inconsiderate! You can't do anything against the Doctors! They're stronger than you werewolves and they will get rid of you like nothing! Leave this city when you still can!"

    "I told you it's not happening, besides I had to buy us foods because we're making the siege in this small motel room and Derek and Deucalion are tracking the... Doctor."

    "You're splitted? This... OK, OK, let me buy you the foods, and lead me to the motel, I'll convince the others."

    "You won't manage anything, don't say I didn't tell you."


    He didn't manage anything and he was even grounded by the girls.

    And even if he told them how strong and invincible the Dread Doctors were, they wouldn't budge because they won't leave without him as he's being forced to stay with them. Why?

    "I- I'm a chimera thanks to them. They transplanted me my sister's heart so I could be a genetic chimera. And since I didn't reject the modified mercury, I was their first succesful Chimera. But I wasn't their goal, they need the perfect chimera so they could resurrect the Beast. They keep me even if I wasn't what they want but I'm going to show them that I'm better than what they're trying to bring back to life!"

    He was just an insecure boy who want to have his tutor's approval. Nothing like blackmail.

    "But why so suddenly? You were fine at San Francisco," Allison asked.

    "That was because they were testing on the next city! I was at San Francisco because they let me live my life if I get to do what they need me to!"

    "But why San Francisco, Theo?"

    And Theo avoid Allison's eyes.

    "The Doctors have history with the Argents. They want me to keep an eye on them."

    So that was why he got to chat with their daughter while Scott returned for his friend's funeral and the Argents couple came back from the town. He was looking to know more about the hunters and used Allison as link. But she did'nt know anything, not even their story, so he stopped pretending and befriended her and recovered with Scott.

    "What were you expecting after you made me take the bite? Were you gloating when they disowned me?"

    "No, I-"

    "Really? Is this the truth, Theo? Or another lie? Like the werewolf you never were? All the omissions about you familial situtation? Were you really turned at nine? What's the truth, Theo? Where your lies stop?"

    "For real? You're going for drama, here?" Jennifer stood up.

    "Look, Ally..."

    "Don't Ally me. You deceived me! I thought we were friends! You were just using us, Scott and me! You were pretending so you could break the Argents from inside, right? Were the Doctors proud of you? Did they gratified you even if you weren't the success they want?"

    "Low blow with all I just..."

    "Confessed? Well, payback's bitch!"

    "Seriously, guys, you have to calm down, it's nightfall..."

    "Scott, aren't you upset? He pretended to be your friend!"

    "I did not pretend to be Scott's friend, I genuinely remember of friendship from childhood."

    "But you were pretending with me! Hence your speech on my dying bed!"

    "What part upsetted you? It was all true!"

    "Okay, shut up!"

    Even at human's level, Lydia's scream hurt like bitch.

    "This is not time for that emotional drama! Theo said the Doctors will sense when the experiment worsen because they bled of modified mercury, right? Well, it's about time."

    Indeed, the bait chimera was suffocating inside his prison that no one coud trepass, not even Theo, so neither could the Doctors. silver liquid dripped from his nose and fear drawn his features as the situation was incredible to him while regaining control from his wendigo-berserker chimerism.

    "Help me, they're going to take me!"

    "Not with that barrier. And my voice."

    Except they could never expect the Doctor. Julia recognized him to be the same as last night with the sword-cane. When the Doctor, the Surgeon Theo whispered, couldn't break through the barrier even with his sword, he aimed at the druid.

    "Darach, actually."

    "A nuisance."

    "Wait! They're harmless."

    "Theo. You were supposed to get rid of obstruction. Couldn't you do something as easy?"

    None of his friend missed the flinch.

    "I did! I just told you they're harmless!"

    "Make the barrier go down. Failures should be suppressed."

    "He won't survive anyway."

    He neither as the group was counting on Theo's distraction to attack the Doctor. So he could cast illusion and phase to not be touched, so what about being attack by something intengible too? Lydia went to scream but was cut in the middle. The Doctor was fast and used his sword to slice open her throat.

    Theo sensed it too and managed to push the banshee on the side just a bit late. It shocked the group enough to break off Julia's attention. The Surgeon threw her some illusion that destabilized the darach and her barrier. The villain used this opening to inject the failed chimera, killing him instantly. Before he could leave, a knife was shot at him that he easily caught before reaching him. He looked at the culprit. 

    Allison managed to use her archery skill but not having an arrow, she used the next sharp thing in hand and shot at the Doctor with shaking hand. Her first living target and she missed. But it was enough to stop the Surgeon.


    His fluzzy voice mixed with frequencies broke.

    Theo knew when an occasion is presented and he used it.


    A lampshade was thrown at he surgeon. Of course, it won't be what stopped the enhanced doctor who got like two centuries but even they couldn't do anything against electricity, that Julia could expended it with magic.

    They got a Doctor with them.

    Julia regained composure after the ill illusion she get rid thanks to her protection boosted by human sacrifice and healed Lydia's cut throat.

    "That was horrifying," Scott staggered to them.

    "And we got another corpse in hands," Julia sighed.

    "And a prisoner," Lydia cleared her throat and was glad to see magic working on her injury.

    Allison sniffed. The event was traumatizing, OK? She just witnessed her friend having her throat sliced open and a murder, so she's allowed to be upset.

    "Why did he stop when seeing me?"

    Theo shrugged and seemed amazed by the sight of the Doctor's unconscious body before him. He turned around it and kneeled beside his head to lift off the helmet. It was an old man, so wrinkled they're started pitying him.

    "We should look at his memories."

    "Do you even know how to perform it?" Julia called him out.

    "No, but it couldn't be that hard. I just had to dig my claws behind his neck."

    "If badly done, the consequence could be severe."

    "Not a big loss," Lydia huffed while shooting a glance to the corpses.


    "Wait, isn't it a thing every werewolf could do? Then, let me."

    "Are you still mad at me?"

    "Just tell me how to do it."

    "Well, I just know in theory. Dig your claws right under his skull, it would be base of his brain where is the visual area. And since most people got better visual memory, we try this."

    Allison did what she's told and she stilled for a moment, meaning she did it. The body under her stilled too, but probably because of hurt. She came back after a while.

    "He's old! He fight in the Seven Years War in North America! He was the Beast of Gevaudan's best friend. Well, actually the man before the Beast, Sebastian was his name. And the Beast was killed by this woman, Marie-Jeanne, she looked just like me."

    "Must be the other way round according to you story, this Doctor is 250 years old and the woman you saw had to be your ancestor. The first Argent," Julia said.

    "And that's it? You didn't see anything else?"

    "What do you want me to see?" Allison squited her eyes at Theo's inquirment.

    "Like... the experiments he did."

    "...No, that's the only memory I saw."

    "Fine. Where are the alphas when we need them?"

    "We tried to contact them all day, but they just didn't answer. But since we got the Doctor they were tracking, that means they got caught by the other?"

    "Quite impossible, the Surgeon is the strongest and the oldest. The Pathologist and the Geneticist were just his partners that came along looking after his longevity. But they do have a century as they abduct... Oh, I know where they could be."

    "Lead the way," Allison summoned him.

    "Wait, wait, if Allison leaves, there wouldn't be any strong hand here."

    "Though I'm affronted you could say that after what I did, I had to admit that we couldn't deal if another Doctor come."

    "They won't come. They're probably where I'm gonna lead Allison because I had to built back her trust."

    Not faltering at his biting tone, the werewolf picked up her bow and the knife in the Doctor's hand.


    They spoke during the ride.

    Thankfully, there wasn't much left when they got to the Doctors operating theater in the basement, thus the two alphas didn't answer to their phone (And Malia not having one, because she refused to).

    "Look at that, if it isn't the one who lead us to those hideous cosplayer."

    "I especially told you to leave without me, you're the one who followed me there."

    "To be fair, it's Scott that insist to look after you and lead us here."

    "Not nice to talk on people's back."

    "So, why did you come here if it's not to be beside them?" Malia grumbled.

    "I work for them. Usually they stay like half year in some small city of town to not attract attention while they're experimenting on human. Their goal was to ressurrect the Beast of Gévaudan."

    "We got one of them back in the motel room and I saw in his memories that the Beast was killed by a hunter, huntress actually. And I think you already guessed the outcome as it seeemed to be a reel. It was an Argent, the first one."

    "Marie-Jeanne, her ancestor that Ally got the same look, which allow us to win against the Doctor. And how did you manage to overpower them?"

    "Oh, we nearly didn't. If only you would have warn us they're enhanced and could phase. They could even control electromagntic and manipulate our mind. Thanks Talia's heritage that allow Derek to full shift, surprising them enough for a counterattack."

    Thus Derek's dishevelment. And Malia's growling.

    "The fact that he full shifted enraged me so much that I mauled one."

    Wild. And Theo had a connection with her.

    "So, where are we? The scent lead us here, but the Doctor we where tracking isn't even there."

    "It's their lab where they experiment on the subjects and where they keep the green serum."

    Theo lead them to one room where a tank is put in the middle. There was a green liquid where a human was drowning.

    "The green serum is extracted from someone?"

    "From an alpha lowenmensh. An hybrid lion-wolf. I'm not sure if he became that after the Doctors experiment on him or he was already like that. Since he's a nazi, I can't say."

    "What were the Doctors using him for?"

    "The green serum is from his blood where the accelerate healing was the major ingredient for the miraculous substance the Doctors injected themselves so they expended their life."

    "An immortality cure, then."

    "A healing potion, even an enhanced serum, your pick."

    "Interesting, I should extract some before we're getting rid of him."

    "We're killing him?"

    "Of course, could you imagine if he's free? A nazi werewolf from WWII, he's going to raise a movement right back in the USA. Better killed it off in the womb."

    "The term is wrongly used. He's more like in inbernation and we're performing euthanasis."

    "Don't be prissy, you should attack when the enemy got an opening, especially the stronger one. Can have them the upper hand and win."

    "And kill us."

    Derek brought the beta out of the room before she faint. Thankd god, it wasn't Scott, he would give the man a second chance, besides he suffered seventy years in the tank bla bla bla. Theo should also probably tell them he was also planning to use the ghost rider to create the invincible army so the German could win. Hope it would play on his side.

    So, as it was a werewolf and as Theo was the only one who could touch the natural protection, he injected montain ashes, wolfsbane and mistletoes in the tank and watched the lowenmech chocked on the green serum that was keeping him alive.

    Once sure that everything in this place was dead (even the experiments the pathologist and geneticist were performing), they set the basement in fire not letting any proof and reborn. Theo even checked again once the fire calmed down (without the other, as Derek coud bear to look a place in fire, bringing bad memory).

    They did the same for the three corpses back in the motel, as the surgeon didn't make through the badly performed memories manipulation. Of course, as Allison was shaken at the euthanasis earlier, Scott thought she was feeling guilty. Even though, the blame would be on Theo since he was a bad instructor.

    After the eventful night, they spend the morning after to rest peacefully and listening to Theo's story once wake up.

    (So, he may or may not have killed his parents as he was turned into chimera at this time. At nine, after moving out from Beacon Hills, where the Dreads Doctors aready performed. But he did let his sister die of hyportermia because the Doctors brainwashed him by making think that Tara Raeken agreed into the experiment who could make him someone and not let him be the asthma failure.)

    That afternoon, when the minibus drove off from Las Vegas, Deucalion was the conductor and Julia was teaching some history lesson to the teenagers, while Derek was helping Malia covering up on all the studies she missed for seven years.



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