• 2 September 2011 at 15:36

    Corey Bryant say :

    So, it went rather well


    Josh Diaz say :

    Are you only speaking for yourself or both of you freshman?


    At 15:58


    Hayden Romero say :

    Both. I'm in the soccer team. So yeah, everything's fine.


    Theo Raeken say :

    That's great, already made friends.


    Hayden Romero say :

    I never use this word.


    Theo Raeken say :

    You should.


    Josh Diaz say : 

    Someone's sour


    Tracy Stewart say :

    Not really. He just get to reunite with two childhood friends who were more busy with their love interest than our dear Theodork.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Don't ever call me that


    Hayen Romero say :

    It suits you.


    Theo Raeken say :

    I do not need your opinion when you don't even want to make friend.


    Hayden Romero say :



    Tracy Stewart say :

    So no bullying?


    Josh Diaz say :

    If by bully you mean not being loner by your own will, then no.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Speaking by experience?


    Hayden Romero say :

    Please don't ruin the mood.


    Corey Bryant say :

    I have a boyfriend.


    Tracy Stewart say :



    Josh Diaz say :

    Well, aren't we quick in business?


    At 16:19


    Theo Raeken say :

    Is he in closet?


    At 16:24


    Corey Bryant say :



    Tracy Stewart say :

    A shame. You'd never know the gloat to parade openly your relationship in the hallway just to hear the gag reflection of single people.


    Hayden Romero say :

    Well, at least Corey does have a boyfriend.


    Josh Diaz say :

    Do you really need to strut for him?


    Hayden Romero say :

    At least, I'm not sour.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Oh no?


    Tracy Stewart say :

    How did you meet him @Corey Bryant?


    Corey Bryant say :

    Oh, I saw him taking Minoxidil and comment the meds I had to take about my pancreatic transplant and we just... bond.


    Josh Diaz say :

    Nice, a chimera. You had that in common.


    Theo Raeken say :

    You could add him in our group chat, the more the merrier.


    Hayden Romero say :

    I highly don't recommend you that if you don't want your boyfriend to be scared away by papa Theo.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    Papa Theodork*


    Theo Raeken say :

    Shut up, both of you.


    At 17:45


    Corey Bryant say :

    Maybe later. I'm in date with Lukas rn.

    Later guys.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    Don't forget to use protection.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Tracy, please. He's fourteen.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    So? It doesn't mean they're clean.


    Josh Diaz say :

    Somehow, I don't think Theo's implying that.


    At 20:23


    Corey Bryant say :

    O M G guys! You're embarassing me.


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  • 1 September 2011 at 20:06

    TheoRaeken say :

    So, tomorrow's The day.


    Josh Diaz say :

    Are you that nervous? It's just a new school year.


    Theo Raeken say :

    I'm not nervous. I'm never nervous. I don't do nervous.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    Clearly you do


    Corey Bryant say :

    Leave him be. Theo's going to step on high school for the first time in decade.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Seven years


    Corey Bryant say :

    What I said.


    At 20:41

    Josh Diaz say :

    Oh, like it'd be your first day in high school?


    Corey Bryant say :

    It's a big step.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    For you, maybe


    Theo Raeken say :

    Way to comfort, Trace.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    I just don't see why you need to stress, you're going to rock, you're both handsome and smart and sometime a little shit but that's part of your charm.


    Corey Bryant say :

    Thanks, ig?


    Josh Diaz say :

    You're pretty too, Trace.


    Theo Raeken say :

    We all are gorgeous and the one who disagrees got shit in their eyes.

    And I'm not stressed.


    Josh Diaz say :

    Really, Theo?


    Theo Raeken say :

    Really, but someone else is.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    I guess I'm a little stressed. I mean, my father was so busy that he couldn't came to retrieve me and I'm having nightmares again with the upcoming back to school


    Corey Bryant say :

    He's not the only one who couldn't collect his child


    Josh Diaz say :

    That just mean more time between us


    Hayden Romero say :

    Then please explain me why are you shitheads chatting on the group chat instead of talking of each other since we're in the same fucking room.


    Theo Reaken say :

    Geez, calm the swearing

    And don't be a killjoy. Where's the fun to be a teenager if you're not always on your phone ?


    Corey Bryant say :

    What a weird conception of teenagehood.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Ok, it's been fun, fam, but we should have some sleep. You'd hate yourself tomorrow for staying up late.


    Josh Diaz say :

    It's only 9pm.

    And you're the one who start it.


    Tracy Stewart say :

    Who would thought our Theo is actually a studious student?


    Hayden Romero say :

    Not me. But it's mostly because I didn't think about Theo being a student at all. You act like way too old for a teenager.


    Theo Raeken say :

    Good night you jackass.


    At 21:03


    Corey Bryant say :

    Hey calm down with the swearing.


    votre commentaire
  • Non-surnaturel univers. (pas de né de telle créature : no Hale as wolves or coyotes, no Talbot, no Yukimura)


    Premier sypnosis. 

    Scott et Stiles sont meilleurs amis depuis qu'ils ont 4 ans.

    Avec le premier qui est tombé amoureux de la nouvelle en deuxième année de lycée, Allison, qui est en vrai plus âgée d'un an car ayant redoublé, et le deuxième de Lydia, la fille la plus populaire du lycée. Qui sort avec le garçon le plus populaire du lycée, Jackson, évidemment. Et dont le meilleur ami est gay, Danny.

    Leur histoire commence quand ils sont en junior, troisième année du lycée. Quand, de nouveaux lycéens font leur entrée, dont un ancien ami, longtemps hospitalisé.

    Theo est leur ami de quatrième année de primaire, mais celui-ci est hospitalisé l'année suivante à 10 ans pour cœur défaillant et étudie depuis chez lui. Cependant, il a reçu un transplantation cardiaque il y a un an et peut maintenant vivre normalement. Il avait hâte de retrouver ses deux amis Scott et Stiles, à qui il n'a pas tellement manqué apparemment. Pas de problème (en vrai, si), il s'est fait des amis durant son hospitalisation : Tracy de la même année (transplantation de peau), Josh plus jeune d'un an (transplantation pulmonaire) et Corey plus jeune encore qui entrait au lycée (transplantation pancréatique). Il y a aussi Hayden de la même année que Corey qui a subi une transplantation rénale qui s'entend bien avec eux, mais sans plus. Elle traîne plus avec Mason et Sydney, dont le premier est malheureusement aussi ami de Liam, son Némésis depuis le collège. Cela débute avec Corey qui est triste parce que son petit-ami, Lucas (transplantation cornéenne), n'est pas le bon. Et suite à un brimade où Theo a dû intervenir, un cercle de confession est formé.

    Mason : I absorbed my twin in the womb.

    Corey : My parents neglect me and I had to transplant a pancreas due to an over dose of sugar.

    Josh : I took drugs. Before my transplant of lung, I was smoking. I just like get high, ya know.

    Lydia : Not really.

    Erika : I have epilepsia. Once, a seizure nearly took out my life.

    Isaac : My dad isn't the best dad ever. I'm claustrophobic.

    Everyone is confused but Jackson knows the truth, living only a street away.

    Theo : I think I have my sister's heart.

    Hayden : I only have my sister because she fought against my parents about disconnecting me when my transplant of kidney was too much.

    Liam : I have IED.


     Donovan : transplant de peau 

    Transplant hépatique, capillaire 

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